Michael Kaishar – Information Security Practitioner

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Automated Security Scanning in the Cloud

For small IT Security companies it’s very hard to find competitive pricing on Software-as-a-Service offerings for Automated Security Scanning solutions.  On the other hand I did come across a great company called hackertarget.com.  Hackertarget.com offers 3 different memberships:  BASIC, SILVER, and GOLD.  The pricing is incredible!  For a BASIC membership of $19.00 Lifetime you get      5 scans per day.  For a SILVER plan membership of only $89.00 per year, you get  to have 15 scans per day.  The SILVER plan seems to be the most popular plan.  For a GOLD plan membership it costs a mere $249.00 per year.  With the GOLD plan you get to have 50 scans per day.

As a small IT Security company I don’t have the time, money, and resources to set all of these up and configure them correctly.  Why go through the hassle of setting all these up and have a headache with support when I can just purchase a Software-as-a-Service from Hackertarget.com.  It is very easy to make the money back.  When you are consulting and offering your security assessments to the client you can charge the client to help absorb some of the fees that you pay when using the Software-as-a-Service from Hackertarget.com.  This is normal business practice in all consulting companies.

Hackertarget.com offers all of the most prevalent security tools available in the industry.  Their tools include:  NMAP, NIKTO, OpenVAS, WPScan, JoomScan, and more.  For an external vulnerability and penetration scan Hackertarget.com offers the best deal for my company.  And if I am going to perform an internal vulnerability and penetration  test I would use my own system loaded with tools such as BackTrack and so forth.  Hackertarget.com would offer me the ease-of-use functionality that I am looking for in a provider.

Please visit http://www.hackertarget.com for more information.


Michael Kaishar, MSIA | CISSP
